Thursday, January 3, 2008

Letters to Lawmakers, Part 4

The Letters to Lawmakers Series

Letters to Lawmakers Part 1

Letters to Lawmakers Part 2

Letters to Lawmakers Part 3

Letters to Lawmakers Part 4

Letters to Lawmakers, Part 4

Joy Padgett is the Chair of the Senate Education Committee. She supports charter schools. Here is her response:

Dear Mr. RickCFD

Thank you for your e-mail regarding charter schools. I always appreciate hearing the comments and concerns of my constituents.

I do believe that Ohio’s children should be afforded the chance to attend charter schools if they and their parents choose. Ohio has many quality charter schools within its borders. By the same token, the issue of charter school accountability is very important to me. I believe that it is absolutely necessary to hold charter schools to high educational standards and to make those schools accountable for what happens in their classrooms. We have made progress on accountability in previous general assemblies and we continue to work on this issue.

This General Assembly, I introduced Senate Bill 141, which works to make charter schools more accountable. Several of Senate Bill 141’s issues were addressed in our state budget, but I will return to the legislature in a few short weeks to continue to work on charter school accountability. I encourage you to log on to

where you may track the status of Senate Bill 141 and all other pending legislation.

It is very important for me to offer excellent constituent service. When I can be of assistance to you with other state issues, do not hesitate to contact me.

Joy Padgett
State Senator

Arlene Setzer is the Chairman of the House Education Committee. She is a supporter of Charter Schools. Here is her response:

Dear Mr. RickCFD:

Representative Setzer asked me to let you know that she has read your letters and hopes that you know that she is a supporter of charter schools.

She would also like applaud your effort to make sure the best education possible is available to your child and your work in helping not only your children, but the children of the community.

Jenna Karr
Senior Legislative Aide

Representative Arlene Setzer, District 36

Finally - positive responses from both senate and house lawmakers.

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