Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Ohio Department of Education Numbers

The Ohio Department of Education Numbers

The Ohio Department of Education numbers have been listed for the 2006-2007 school year.

Here is some current data from the ODE website concerning the city of Cleveland. These figures can be accessed by the general public.

There are 105 schools listed for the CMSD.

4 Closed, 101 Open. 2 of the open schools were not rated = 99 rated schools.

Of the 99 rated schools, only 7 schools (7.07%) had a satisfactory state report card (effective and above), 49 schools showed continuous improvement (49.49%), 43 schools (43.43%) had an unsatisfactory state report card (academic watch and academic emergency).

20 Academic Emergency - 20.20%

23 Academic Watch - 23.23%

49 Continuous Improvement - 49.49%

5 Effective - 5.05%

2 Excellent - 2.02%

There are 47 Charter Schools total listed in Cleveland.

5 Closed, 42 Open. 5 of the open schools not rated = 37 rated schools.

Of the 37 rated schools, only 7 schools (18.91%) had a satisfactory state report card (effective and above), 9 schools showed continuous improvement (24.32%), 20 schools (54.05%) had an unsatisfactory state report card (academic watch and academic emergency).

12 Academic Emergency - 32.43%

9 Academic Watch - 24.32%

9 Continuous Improvement - 24.32%

5 Effective - 13.51%

2 Excellent - 5.40%

With only 7% of its schools reaching the level of effective and above, the CMSD CEO found it necessary to celebrate on the steps of city hall. The Cleveland Schools have a long way to go before it should celebrate.

Almost 19% of the charter schools in Cleveland reached the level of effective and above. Even with a percentage of almost 2 1/2 times more that Cleveland, the charter schools still have a long way to go before they can celebrate, but they are in the lead with the percentage of effective schools in Cleveland.

It is troubling that the Plain Dealer continues to put down the charter schools stating that they should be held accountable while on the same page declaring that the public schools have received good news on its State report card. To me this is nothing more than prettying up the water trough.

Cleveland teachers and the media have used the same ODE data to put down charter schools but at the same time they are also saying that the numbers should not be used to judge the Cleveland system because it is based mainly on proficiency test scores and other skewed data. The charter schools have caused some big concerns to the CMSD. They have broken a monopoly and have given parents other choices.

The ODE numbers are what they are. They can be interpreted many ways for many reasons. What they show me is that there are a small number of students who are taking advantage of their education, while most have chosen not to.

The statistics from the ODE also show that the charter schools with the poor ratings are many times operating in the same zip codes as the Cleveland schools with the poor ratings. In most cases, both charter and Cleveland schools have similar ratings in the same areas served.

The education of Cleveland’s children will only be accomplished if every school has the cooperation and support of the student’s parents. Unfortunately, the ills of society play a big part in preventing this from happening.

Education is there for the taking, the teachers are willing. A child is required to attend by law. But society has enabled misunderstood behavior. There are few consequences for the misunderstood. Instead our society rewards them with its “free stamp”. For those of you that do not know, there is a huge sculpture of a free stamp on the lawn of city hall.

I was a Cleveland student when the “Free Stamp” was erected on Lakeside Ave. As a youth I had no idea of the meaning of this sculpture. As an adult I now understand its significance. The artist perhaps never foresaw the true meaning of his sculpture. But when it was placed on the City Hall Lawn, it became, as if by magic, the new stamp of approval for Cleveland City Hall. A true self fulfilling prophesy in physical form. The city has generously taken advantage of its “free stamp” to reward those who choose not to contribute to society while at the same time it is also used by government leaders for dressing up the dead horse and its water trough. The free stamp has been used to house the former school CEO in tax abated property. The free stamp was used to ensure that the former mayor’s children were free to go to the Shaker school system for their education. The free stamp ensures that the misunderstood have their cable television, fancy cars and designer clothes while providing vouchers for school uniforms.

Some have asked for solutions on how to educate Cleveland’s children. Teachers cannot make Cleveland’s children learn. It is up to the parents to instill in their children the understanding that education is necessary to be a productive citizen in society. (Sorry Johnny, you cannot go out to play until your homework is done.) It is the parent’s job to communicate the importance of an education. (Johnny, you cannot watch television until you earn better grades.) It is the parent’s job to set the boundaries and limitations for their children. (Johnny, you have to be home by dusk, you need to get to bed on time; it’s a school night.) Until this happens, I cannot offer any solutions. The wise have given us the maxim of not making a horse to drink. So far the sages of old continue to be right while the alchemist still tries but cannot turn lead into gold.

I would like to see Cleveland lose its “free stamp” and demand more accountability for tax dollars spent. Unfortunately, Cleveland has a bad track record when appointing accountability committees. Cleveland could use some new leadership. When elected, they could remove the “free stamp” and erect a new stamp of “Responsibility” on the Lakeside lawn. Then perhaps the solutions will come naturally.

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